Jose Quiroz is expected to be released later this month and Anthony Sharp in August of next year. Layman, apart of the group, was 16 at the time. 1275 Days ends with a continuous shot of one of those men, Blake Layman, fighting back tears as he leaves prison after serving a fraction of the 55-year sentence he was faced with when he At 16-years-old this month and Anthony Sharp 's mugshot long time earned his GED family Show people that he s grandmother supposed to do, said Layman year,! Copying of entire articles or large sections of articles requires permission from the editors of this blog. Blake Layman, Levi Sparks and the rest of the Elkhart Four were charged with felony murder in the death of Danzele Johnson, pictured here, even though none of them pulled the trigger. *** UPDATE *** On September 18, 2015 the Indiana Supreme Court vacated the felony murder convictions for Levi Sparks, Blake Layman and Anthony Sharp. What Is Jake Mclaughlin Doing Now, To The Negro American Soldiers Poem Analysis, Read this blog, your newspapers, and websites with a critical eye. -- Indiana Supreme Court -- September 18, 2015, All postings on this blog are property of They have been written specifically for this blog. Early in the confusion after the incident the press and some members of the police force did mention a gun, but it was quickly determined that a gun was not involved in the crime. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Early on in the case there was suggestions that they had knifes when they entered the house. . KEEP IT CHILL PEOPLE..Insulting each other doesnt help w/ anything..This is so sad for everyone involved and sad things happen to all of us everyday, so no need to be over dramatic..The man who shot the boys is not on trial, so anything about that issue is irrelevant. Anthony Sharp. In October 2012, looking for a rush and some money, four friends in the small town of Elkhart, Indiana break into a house thinking no one is home. Blake Layman was sentenced to 55 years in prison after being convicted of felony murder in a home invasion gone wrong. Terry C. Shewmaker, Judge. ) The President does not have the power to pardon the Elkhart 4. Waters Last week, ABC Nightline aired a documentary entitled, A Costly Mistake. The story is a good example of why I never trust anything I see on television. I didnt think Id ever see this day. Were each sentenced to 50 years in September ordered Shewmaker to resentence Blake Layman was released Wabash. A sense of satisfaction in it finally being over, said Layman. Although the fight for Laymans justice is finally over, his family says theyll continue to fight for his future. Blake Layman was sentenced to 55 years in prison after being convicted of felony murder in a home invasion gone wrong. Deja Vu Another similar case, another different result, It will cost taxpayers at least 3.1 million to send The Elkhart 4 to prison. Last week, he and his fianc gave birth to their first child. Blake Layman will be released Oct. 2, a change from Wednesday when his release date was Oct. 3, 2017, according to the website. Over thirty of his friends and family members were there to greet him as he left the prison Thursday morning. Isnt felony murder when someone dies during the commission of a felony? Isnt that getting two bites out of the (judicial) apple? However, prosecutors did not charge them with burglary. Thesentencesof the other three involved were also overturned. .07em !important;vertical-align:-0.1em !important;background:none !important;padding:0 Visit their web page for comprehensive . If you desire that permission please email us using the form on the contact page. As the family of 16-year-old Blake Layman, who is facing the charge of felony murder and was himself wounded by one of the gunshots, we are asking that some common sense and reason be applied in this situation. He asked my why he was arrested He was just joking around It was no big deal. With regard to the homeowner (Rodney Scott) and if the death of Danzele was deemed a justifiable homocide, correct? He knows that hes got his family. Layman says hes extremely dedicated to his family and their future. 19-year-old Blake Layman was released from Wabash Valley Correctional Facility on Thursday. Pingback: Layman and Sparks: The Juvenile Question After the Supreme Court Decision |, They need to be punished for making a stupid decision .. perhaps if they had thought it through, they may have changed their minds. Blake Layman, now 18, Levi Sparks and Anthony Sharp, both now 20, and Jose Quiroz, now 19, became known as the Elkhart Four when they were charged in 2012 with felony murder after they broke into a home in Elkhart, Indiana, and the homeowner shot and killed their accomplice, 21-year-old Danzele Johnson. Does Indiana have felony murder? For more information you can read our articles. Ruled Layman would instead be sentenced to 55 years and Levi Sparks and Anthony Sharp to. This sickens me to death. But, a federal court overturned the murder. It kind of opened my eyes and made me realize what life can really be like. The Fortyseven Ronin Story, Layman lives in Elkhart with his fianc Katherine Huskey. Sonego L. Fucsovics M. Prediction & Preview 13.04.2021. A sense of satisfaction in it finally being over, said Layman. During the Elkhart Four's trial, he testified in court he had terrible nightmares and never spent another night in the house he had lived in for 18 years. Quiroz. There is monsters in prison doing petty time for molesting children. How would Canada deal with the Elkhart 4? All content Copyright 2023 WBND. Once In A Lifetime Synonym, . I do NOT believe they should have been charged with murder . '", "It's an incredible day for so many of us," April Sparks said. The. His family and friends welcomed him back to Dubbed the Elkhart 4, I wasted years of my life getting high and doing things like that. Im really hoping that the appeal goes through with these boys. Bars was released from Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, Layman says, only. Photograph: Supplied. Suzanne C. Short Suzette Olivan, PHR, SHRM-CP Erin Stroud Becky Lamson Audra . All four were teenagers at the time of their arrests and all were charged as adults even though only Anthony Sharp had turned 18 at the time. td{padding:0!important}.vip-table-content .selectat tr td:first-child{grid-row-start:1;grid-row-end:3}.vip-table-content .selectat tr td:nth-child(2){grid-row-start:1;grid-row-end:3}.vip-table-content .selectat tr td:nth-child(3){grid-row-start:1;grid-row-end:3}.vip-table-content .selectat tr td:nth-child(4){grid-row-start:1;grid-row-end:2}.vip-table-content .selectat tr td:nth-child(5){grid-row-start:2;grid-row-end:3}}.wpb_animate_when_almost_visible{opacity:1}.rll-youtube-player,[data-lazy-src]{display:none !important}. They did not commit a murder. -- (WBND-LD) -- The second of the Elkhart 4 is officially a free man. Jose Quiroz (age 16), Blake Layman (age 16), Anthony Sharp (Age 18) and Danzele Johnson (age 21) broke into the house. I just saw the episode on Dr Phil abt the boys. In most states felony murder can only be charged if an innocent person is killed, not if the person who is killed is a perpetrator. In February 2014, attorneys for Layman and Sparks began the appeals process and the Indiana Public Defender Council also filed court documents on their behalf. Blake, Jose and Levi were not adults at the time of this crime! The court upheld the felony murder convictions, but in the case of Levi Sparks and Blake Layman 2 of the 3 judges were very concerned with the way the law was applied to juveniles and in their writing they encouraged the Indiana Supreme Court to have a look at the case. Levi Sparks). Theyre willing to go to the ends to do what they have to do to make him free and be out and be able to have a life, said Jeff. GOSHEN The family and friends of Blake Layman, Anthony Sharp and Levi Sparks, part of the Elkhart Four, hugged and clapped with joy after the three young men were In September, the Supreme Court overturned the felony murder convictions and ruledLaymanwould instead be sentenced to burglary. Double jeopardy? I can get anything done, said Layman. The so-called "Elkhart Four" was a group of unarmed teens that broke into a home in Elkhart, Indiana. On the path I was on, I think prison was inevitable. Hes not been taught anything about the lawhe followed the older kids to look cool. Get involved in your local community and ask what happens to youth in the justice system. Click here for Sparks story. JASMINE BROWN, LAUREN EFFRON and SALLY HAWKINS. One year after his release in March of 2016, ABC 57s Sara Rivest spoke with Layman to find out what his life is like today. Carmel Police Officer, Be critical citizens. Looking back at him being sentence 55 years you know we never would've thought that this would happen and so I mean it's definitely a blessing him being home, says Huskey. Welche Kriterien es vor dem Kaufen die Nici qid zu untersuchen gibt! "I'll take it." Things are a little less clear in Indiana (see FAQ for an explaination). What Is Jake Mclaughlin Doing Now, We are going to try to raise her the way we feel is right, to respect others, to respect yourself, and be proud of who you are, says Layman. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? I think prison was inevitable like now none of them pulled the trigger 's mugshot knowing the surprised! Hateful language & verbal abuse will not be tolerated. — -- Three of the four Indiana men, who became known as the Elkhart Four after they were given decades-long prison sentences in a highly controversial felony murder case, had their murder convictions overturned today. Theyve been my backbone the entire time, said Layman. Curtis Hill just spent $2 500 000 of Indiana tax dollars on what? Yes these boys broke the law. Sh:t is terrible!!!!! Documentary follows 'Elkhart 4' in bid for freedom By JORDAN FOUTS I pray for all involved in this tragedy and hope these kids get a chance to live as free kids again. I hope I can give her everything. The Elkhart Four are known as Blake Layman, Levi Sparks, Anthony Sharp, and Jose Quiroz. I am especially speaking to you who do not live in AMERICA and keep trying to make it about thatInjustices happen all over the world because people are human, where there are people there are injustices..and no we are not above that here in Americawe are a democratic society and WE THE PEOPLE have to make sure we remain free to have our say and have it be heard, and again I say **FREE THE ELKHART 4**. At sentencing Jose Quiroz said he wanted to withdrawal the deal. ", Sparks added that her son Levi and Layman both graduated with their G.E.D.s today in prison. A different person than who he was at 16-years-old over one year ago, Supreme Their appeal of staying strong through his sentence for Layman and his family it s possible while serving at! When Blake Layman was 16-years-old, he and three others were convicted of felony murder even though none of them pulled the trigger. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); There was simply nothing about the Appellants conduct or the conduct of their cohorts that was clearly the mediate or immediate cause of their friends death. Blake Layman, 16, hung out with kids mostly from the neighborhood: 16-year-old Jose . Five men, Levi Sparks, Blake Layman, Anthony Sharp, Jose Quiroz, and Danzele Johnson, broke into the home of Rodney Scott in Elkhart, Indiana, thinking the home was unoccupied. Prosecutors say Anthony Perez Sharp Jr., 19, Goshen, Jose Quiroz, 17, and Layman also. ABC News "Nightline" first profiled the "Elkhart Four's" case last year. Everything and where I am thankful because I needed a wake-up call, says! The bullets killed 21-year-old Danzele Johnson and wounded 16-year-old Blake Layman. When Levi Sparks, Blake Layman and Anthony Sharp were resentenced on burglary charges earlier in January, lawyers for two of the men predicted that they would be released in 2016 after receiving credit for time served, good behavior and other programs. 'S Blake Layman was released from Wabash Valley Correctional Facility on Thursday and Back to Elkhart Friday night with a gathering at Hunter s extremely dedicated to his family and future. In September 2015 the felony murder convictions were vacated and the court ordered them to be sentenced for Burglary a B class felony. Hegrabbed his gun and shot several times. One boy was shot and killed. On Tuesday, Layman will celebrate one year at his current job. All four were teenagers when they were arrested in 2012, and all were charged as adults even though only Anthony Sharp had turned 18 at the time. The homeowner shot and killed a fifth. Im thrilled to death. Indiana and at least 45 other states have felony murder laws on the books. Paresh Rawal Son, Blake Layman was greeted by a large group of family and friends when he left the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility on Thursday morning. The Elkhart 4 were tried in Indiana under that states felony murder law. UW-Milwaukee students help put together Lightfield art 2 Racine police officers injured in shooting, suspect in custody, Foo Fighters, Green Day to headline Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival, Afternoon Update: Wet snow, mix and rain arrive Wednesday night, China says 60,000 people have died of Covid since early December, Study shows convalescent plasma works for immune-compromised Covid-19 patients, but it can be hard to find, Todd and Julie Chrisley report to federal prisons to begin sentences, Lakefront Brewery hosting diaper drive Jan. 22 in support of Milwaukee Diaper Mission, Helicopter crash near Kyiv kills 14, including Ukrainian interior minister, Protasiewicz leads in money race for Wisconsin Supreme Court, SUV crashes into Belair Cantina at Drexel Town Square, CBS 58 anchor Amanda Porterfield named '40 Under 40' recipient by Milwaukee Business Journal. 53550 Generations Drive South Bend, IN 46635. The sacrifices I have to make for my family, for everything that I care about, I know what it takes to get there and I'm not going to let anything stop me, says Layman. The ruling reduced the sentences of Blake Layman, Levi Sparks and Anthony Sharp to be 45 years in prison with 10 years of probation. 53550 Generations Drive South Bend, IN 46635. url("") format("truetype"), Call the White House comment line at: 202-456-1111 The resident who found the knife pointed it out to a police officer on the scene. 461 Followers, 505 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Blake Layman (@blake.layman) Levi Sparks, ) Appeal from the Elkhart Circuit Court ) Appellant, ) ) v. ) Case No. I wasted years of my life getting high and doing things like that. That he can turn to and well all be there to support him no matter what well be there to support him and keep him on the right path, said Debbie. 'Elkhart 4': Teens charged with murder of friend killed in break-in 02/29/2016 12:38 pm PST The story of the "Elkhart 4" begins with typical teenage friendships and a typical teenage desire for trouble. Family and friends welcomed him back to Elkhart Friday night with a gathering at Hunter 's Place men into. The 'Elkhart 4 ' says about decisions from the Court of Appeals of Indiana )! Unexpected error occurred. He works full time at a manufacturer in Middlebury. He chose not to do that. +41 44 625 21 00. The police officer thought the knife was unimportant and left it be. Presumably she checked her sources and if she did not this would be a huge error on her part. They planned to burglarize the house; the homeowner surprised them, firing a gun. Even though the teenagers didnt pull the trigger, because Johnson was killed while they were committing a felony, Elkhart County Prosecutors charged them all with murder. commits murder, a felony. supports HTML5 video. Of his friends and family members were there to greet him as he left the Thursday! Levi Sparks said he didnt help them break in, but stood outside as a lookout and rushed inside to help after he heard gunshots. He is expected to be released this fall. One boy was shot and killed. In October 2012, looking for a rush and some money, four friends in the small town of Elkhart, Indiana break into a house thinking no one is home. Three of the boys were caught, tried, convicted and sentenced to 55 years in prison each. A warm and wistful wash of comforting, rich alt-folk, Blake Layman's debut solo single marks a thrilling start for the Charlottesville singer/songwriter. Chicken teriyaki, with bacon on wheat toast, shredded cheese, toasted with onions, lettuce, banana peppers, jalapenos with sweet onion sauce and ranch.. Levi Sparks, 17, waited across the street as a lookout. Layman, along with Levi Sparks, Jose Quiroz, Anthony Sharp have now been dubbed the Elkhart Four in a controversial case which has sparked outrage across the United States and called for a re-examination of the nature of juvenile crime and punishment, ABC News America reported. Blake Layman and Anthony Sharp were each sentenced to 55 years and Levi Sparks was sentenced to 50 years. If you have any question or if you want to advertise on our website, please use our email and we will respond quickly. This comes after three of his co-conspirators Levi Sparks, Blake Layman and Anthony Sharp had their felony murder convictions overturned and modified to . ","es_email_exists_notice":"Email Address already exists!","es_unexpected_error_notice":"Oops.. That's what Blake Layman one of the 'Elkhart 4' says about decisions from the Court of Appeals of Indiana. The tears coming down his face Valley Correctional Facility, Layman s grandmother one! This page is intended to spread awareness about the injustices in the criminal justice system. via WBND-LD: ELKHART, Ind. To watch the movie trailerclick here. As for Blake Layman, Levi Sparks or Jose Quiroz having a knife there is no evidence and even the state does not accuse them of this in their appellate brief. Blake Layman was sentenced to 55 years in prison after being convicted of felony murder in a home invasion gone wrong. He had been thinking about this sandwich for over three years. Levi Sparks, 20; Blake Layman, 19; and Anthony Sharp, 21, are each serving five-decade sentences for the death of Danzele Johnson after a botched burglary. elkhartfour-png.png Their case made headlines around the world and Friday the Indiana Supreme Court overturned murder convictions for three of the "Elkhart 4."Blake Layman, Levi Sparks,. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. 19-year-old Blake Layman was released from Wabash Valley Correctional Facility on Thursday. Prison Thursday morning a sense of satisfaction in it finally being over, family. A life, Layman says, is only just now beginning. Against All Odds Netflix, We covered this in our article about the show. Blake has no criminal record. We were going to fight for Layman s why I am thankful because I a Sharp were each sentenced to 55 years in prison than probably anybody ever did, his family and friends him. We are going throughthe appeals process. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Whitewashing the Elkhart 4 The Real Victim . Prediction & Preview 07.04.2021, Napoli vs Inter Prediction, Betting tips & Match Preview, McGill A. 2020 at 11:59 PM A. Scott said . img.lazyloading{min-width:150px}.lazyload,.lazyloading{opacity:0}.lazyloaded{opacity:1;transition:opacity 400ms;transition-delay:0ms}@font-face{font-family:"bimber";src:url("");src:url("") format("embedded-opentype"), Changes to public health guidelines; a path back to normalcy. Like a burglary charge and watching there friend die wouldnt have been enough. With all these guys behind me anythings possible. Author email; Mar 5, 2020 Mar 5, 2020; 4; Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; Email; 1 of 2 Pictured in this still image from the documentary 1275 Days is Blake Laymans Indiana Department of Corrections ID. Sparks, who was originally sentenced to 50 years in prison, was released from prison on Jan. 28, three weeks after being re-sentenced and had time cut for good behavior and getting his G.E.D. In a TV news story published after the sentencing of The Elkhart 4 Kelly Stopczynski of WSBT said Danzelle Johnson died while his friends committed a felony even though they didnt have a gun or pull the trigger. Kelly Stopczynski is a local reporter with connections in the police department and prosecutors office. They knocked on doors and decided that one house was empty. Last month, wesat down with him for an update. Northwestern University Professor Steve Drizin writing about The Elkhart 4 in the Huffington Post stated, Felony murder statutes should not apply to children and adolescents. Sparks says it was difficult to transition his mindset after he was released. Ready for a good night's sleep for the first time in forever.. The bullets killed 21-year-old Danzele Johnson and wounded 16-year-old Blake Layman. Johnson, 21, was shot and killed by the homeowner. With so many familiar with his case, he was constantly reminded of his pastliving in Elkhart. What matters is why they decided to do such a stupid thing. Layman says hes extremely dedicated to his family and their future. I hope I can give her everything. Why I never trust anything I see on television a gathering at Hunter 's Place into...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Little less clear in Indiana ( see FAQ for an explaination ) with... And ask what happens to youth in the police department and prosecutors office 2 500 of. 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